Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cultural Background

Lomesh Singh
I come from a very diverse country, Guyana with many different cultures. There might be a lot of different cultures but the country as a whole is very similar in their cultural ways. Guyana is located in South America so my culture is similar to that of hispanics. Also even though I was born there, my ancestors are from India. So I would like to think myself very diverse. All that said, much of my cultural identity is based upon living in America. More important California. I'm influenced a lot culturaly by what's going on in the mainstream media as well as music, sports, and movies. As with any other individual my age music is a big part of my daily life. My parents still raised me with important morals and values from my country. They raised me to be respectful to my elders, respect for myself, and respect for them. I think I turned out alright for myself. I also owe some thanks to my two older cousins I grew up with. They were always there for me and when i was in a jam would bail me out. So a lot people, places, thing have made me the person I am and have given me my identity.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

11-15 vocabulary words

11.Gaudy-tastelessly or glaringly showy.(around christmas my neighbor gets very gaudy).

12.frivolous-Of little importance.(he tossed his books frivolously).

13.fusilade-A simultaneous discharge of firearms.(when the fireworks went off it sounded like a fuselade).

14.Gad-To rove or ramble restlessly.(when he's drunk he gads around).

15.Gangling-Akwardly tall and slender.(some basketball player are to gangly).

Monday, November 24, 2008

2nd essay

1 . Title of 2nd essay is An Idyl of the Honey-bee written by John Burroughs

2. The approach the author used in the intro was Definition some ex: Indeed, a colony of bees, with their neatness and love of order, their division of labor, their public-spiritedness, their thrift, their complex economies, and their inordinate love of gain, seems as far removed from a condition of rude nature as does a walled city or a cathedral town.

3. There is no creature with which man has surrounded himself that seems so much like a product of civilization, so much like the result of development on special lines and in special fields, as the honey-bee. Indeed, a colony of bees, with their neatness and love of order, their division of labor, their public-spiritedness, their thrift, their complex economies, and their inordinate love of gain.

4. I feel that the introduction paragraph was very descriptive and one the best I have read. It went into detail about some of the jobs that a honey-bee has. Some of their jobs consists of complex economies, and their inordinate love of gain, Another thing is that it gives nice detailes on comparisons such as the white mans foresight, craftiness, miserly habits. This to me shows that the author or someone that he knows has had may honey-bee encounters, therefore this introduction paragraph sounds good and it seems like he will be able to keep me interested throught the essay. It is like they have their own civilization.

5. The technique the author used was Prediction

6. In the conclusion the writer did a good job to sume up his thoughts. The statement wild honey is as near like tame as wild bees are like their brothers in the hive is very deep. To me I thought of it as we all have some of the same characteristics. We are all living beings and should respect all aspects of life. As a matter of fact we should respect everything in this world wether or not it is living or just an innate object. In my opinon this essay can learn us a lot about how when we work together and cooperate things will get done.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SLO Exam

The topic I chose to do my slo exam on was the helathcare industry. I figured it would be a good topic to do since my career will have a lot to do with the healthcare industry. In my speech i'm going to outline the problems that I think the healthcare industry is having right now and possible ways to get it fixed. All in all, I hope to enlighten anyone who reads it.

5 words I don't know (6-10)

6.Caper-A prank or wild escapade.(When I was in high school, I was the king of capers)

7.Catacomb-An underground burial place.(The Egyptians had many catacombs that held treasures and their kings and queens)

8.Cumber-To overload.(On some days , I just get cumbersome with all the schoolwork)

9.Cumlaude-With honor.(My cousin graduated cumlaude at U.C. Davis

10.Cynic-A faultfinder.(Carolyn is very cynical about my work ethic)joke

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

5 words I don't know (1-5)

1.Coalition-an alliance among individuals, during which they cooperate in joint cooperation, each in his own self-interest.(Politicians tend to form coalition's to get things done)

2.Dipstick-A marked rod for measuring oil in the crankcase of an automobile.(The dipstick revealed that there was no oil in the car)

3.Rural-Pertaining to the country.(Stewart lived in a very rural area in the country)

4.Altruism-Devotion to others or to humanity.(Parents have an altruistic attitude with thier kids)

5.Capitulate-To yield or surrender.(I finally decided to capitulate to my parents wishes)

10 most annoying phrases

The article on the 10 most annoying phrases was an interesting read. I don't think the article depicts politicians in a good light. Even though some of the things that are said in the article are true, like the big unneccessary words that are used, and the lies. There are some out their like our current president elect who keep it nice and simple, not really trying to confuse people. Most of the time their dialog contains a lot of hidden meaning behind it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

sentence test

The test we had to take in the complete sentences was pretty easy. I got all the question right because it was stuff you learn in elementary school. I did learn the terms behind a run-on sentence, a comma splice, and a fragmented sentence.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Obama finished off the most historic night in United States history by giving a historic speech in Chicago's Grant Park. His speech in my mind embodied his whole campaign, that America was ready for a change. He has always had a way of delivering a speech that can make you believe. I think he made a lot of people in the United States and around the world stand up and take notice. He showed in his speech last night that he was a very humble individual by congratulating Sen. Macain. He also showed in his speech that he was ready to put aside the bipartisanship that's plagued Washington for so many years and work with the republicans on building America back to respectable place in the global community and at home.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

100 word blog

The presidential election is today and I voted at seven a.m. this morning. There was a lot of talk about long lines and broken machines, but I experienced none of that. It was not busy at all and the machines worked fine, I even got a sticker for voting. This election has been one of the most memorable ever and by the end of tonight could be the most historic. Actually either way, democrat or republican, it's gonna be a special night. Either Obama would be the first black president or Palin will become the first female vice president. Let's hope we vote the right person in to office this time around.

Monday, November 3, 2008


My goals for this english class are to be here for the class and show up on time, I will acheive this by being more motivated.
For the second goal I really wanna pass this class. I know I can acheive this goal because i've always been great at english and writing papers.
The third and final grade for this class is to be very very nice to carolyn and don't give her a hard time about her horses.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lying Inventory

According to the lying inventory I am ok with certain types of lies. I have a problem with people who lie just to lie. To me that is not necessary. I lie when the situation calls for it. For instance when the outcome of the truth is more harmful to the person than lying to them I would rather lie to the person. So lying isn't a;; that bad.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

sharing emotions

from the looks of things on this test I have no problems on sharing emotions if the situation calls for it. For instance if I were in a relationship with someone I would not tell that person I liked a third person cause that would be retarted. Also I wouldn't tell the third person I was in a relationship with somebody else.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I just did the anxiety test and it says I have a very low level of anxiety. These test haven't been very accurate about me up until this test. It said I had a 25 % level of aanxiety, that's very accurate. In certain situations I do tend to have a moderate level of anxiety but most of the time I just roll with the punches.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Conflict Management Style

The conflict management style I use predominantly is compromise. For the most part I think it is effective for me. Sometimes I can compromise a little to much and come out on the short end of the stick a lot. I can incorporate more of the collaboration management style into the compromise management style iI use right now. That way i don't always have to give up some of my ideas to solve a problem. There was this one time that I was playing a football with a couple of friends and we were up by 2 touchdowns. The other team forgot the score and since we were the better team I let them say we were tied. We ended up winning the game anyway.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mental Attentiveness

Today I took a listening test and scored a 68. That puts me in the Mental Attentiveness range which means I generally don't have a problem fully attending to people speaking. This does apply to me somewhat the only thing I would add is that if someone speaking is not talking about anything close to being interesting I do zone out. Other than that it fits me fine.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today i'm bloggin about my favorite football team the Dallas Cowboys. I was having a conversation about whose the best team in the nfl today with a coworker and friend. Now there is no possible way to prove who is the best team in the nfl right now and that is what i tried to prove to them but they wouldn't have it. I believe they were being egocentric communicators because they were just speaking but not caring about the receiver of their message.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Learning Styles Inventory

My learning style scores:
I guess that makes me a verbal/social learner. I would have to disagree with these numbers because I think i'm more of a visual person. I also think I work well on my own, that dosen't mean I don't work well in groups. Also my main problem with this is my logical score is so low. I think i'm a very logical person and I am measured in my actions. Also my communicating style is that of a analyzer thinker. Now that I agree with.